Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Should we eat like cavemen?

I have always been searching for the perfect way to eat for my body. Everyone is different. I have always felt that my body was "carb-sensitive." Such that when I eat carbs, (breads, potatoes, chips, and even rice, oats, and sweet potatoes.) - I tend to get sleepy and crave more carbs. Same thing with sugar. I have been a sugar addict all my life. So bad that it even led me to binge eat and be bulimic at times. I have not shared that with many people. But now I feel ok talking about it.

I am currently reading the Paleolithic Diet and Good Calories, Bad Calories. This blog will rpresent my journey. I am giving up starches and sweets except for a cheat meal once a week. I may or may not eat that cheat meal depending on how I feel.

So far I have lost 3 lbs cutting out carbs. I know that is water weight. My clothes are fitting a bit better. I will post pictures and stats after a few weeks.
I feel much better after a few days of crying and depression, which I believe was my body going through sugar withdrawal.

Today I made a dish with:
3 omega-3 hard boiled eggs
1 tuna pouch (180 calorie pouch)
4 tbsp fat free mayo (I am not ready to give up dairy)
2 cups shredded broccoli, cabbage, carrots
2 cups shredded red cabbage
2 tbsp relish
2 packets of splenda
1 sliced apple

I will eat this throughout the day.
Cardio Kickboxing tonight. :)


  1. Julie! I LOVE your blog!! Thanks for commenting on mine and help me find yours! First I have been thinking the SAME thing about the Paleo diet...and I hear there is a similiar one called the Makers diet (same but with a christian concept). That book is next on my list after I read the Precision Nutrition book. Also I saw in a different post you're doing ISSA. That is who I am going to get my PT and Nutrition certs through!! I can't wait to hear more about your journeys! Great blog!

  2. I know I'm a bit late commenting on this. However, I came across a guy on the internet (youtube) that takes a holistic approach to health. He has MANY videos on youtube in which most are worth watching. One in particular (portion control) talks about how his clients will for some reason crave carbs (ice cream or other sweets) during certain times of the day or night. Here is a link ... thought you might like to take a look.


    btw .... I'm always happy to hear when someone has overcome an eating disorder !! Your life and conditioning are an inspiration !!
